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Thank You

Thank you for donating and/or becoming a member of the BSCAA!

With cooperative contributions of alumni and friends, we are able to keep supporting the BSC in providing affordable housing to university students and to keep alumni connected to those students and each other through awesome programing and opportunities!

Keep an eye out for member-only emails about upcoming events, student happenings, and what’s going on with the BSC–we can’t wait to see you at future experiences. If you have any questions in the meantime, or want to get more involved with our Board or planning an event, don’t hesitate to contact us.

The BSCAA is a 501 (c)(3) organization (ID #91-1766354). This is your official receipt of your tax-deductible contribution as no services were provided to you in consideration of this membership. Thank you for your continued support of our alumni association and BSC students.

Thank you, and welcome to the BSCAA family!


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